BIODROGA Bioscience Institute

Slow Age

Already from the age of 25, the skin begins to age. Gradually, the cell metabolism slows down, blood circulation decreases, the skin then sometimes appears duller, the complexion appears tired and the youthful radiance fades. Our BIODROGA Bioscience Institute SLOW AGE Series gives you the energy and radiance you desire as your skin begins to age. Black Forest Complex, Gylcoproteins & Vitamin C fight the first signs of aging and give your skin a fresh glow.

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Products of the series at a glance

Learning from the nature of our home. BIODROGA Bioscience Institut combines nature and science in clean formulations for moments of true beauty. Our in-house Black Forest Complex is based on the elemental forces of nature and provides unique energy and relaxation. Experience a time-out for all senses with BIODROGA Bioscience Institute - in the institute and at home.